My Games

In this PS1 era inspired survival horror game by Puppet Combo, I was comissioned to design the interior and exterior of THE Murder House, taking inspiration from the original layout and design of the house from 1974's Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

This is technically the first published game I directly contributed development for.

Buy it now on

What did I help with?

- Level Design!

    • Made in Unity
    • Built with ProBuilder

Consume Thy Flesh: The Pumpkin Smashing Sim (2021)

Out on Steam and!

This is Consume Thy Flesh: The Pumpkin Smashing Sim!

Players must roll their gargantuan gourd to blood-thirsty rug-rats below, so they may dine on your candy packed insides. Maintain momentum, catch some sick air, and splatter your insides all over. The ravenous spirits of Samhain must be satiated!

Solo designed and developed in under a month, with the goal to self publish on Steam, and learn their publishing process.

The game is almost 100% original code and assets, with me only taking the music and tree assets to save myself development time.

The levels were hand crafted, along with the characters, ui, promo art, and text/lore.

You can pick it up right now on HERE

Or on Steam: HERE

A post mortem will be written once sales data starts coming in.



Currently working with some industry colleagues on this rad space adventure game called StaRV.

You can read more about it at our official team website Point Filter Games 

I've been helping with concepting, character creation, 3D voxel art, and soon we'll be heading into playtesting.

I'm honored to be asked to help be a part of such a cool project with such a talented group of people!

oVRide (Unity VR DEMO)

What did I do that you see in this trailer?

  • Level asset creation
    • Modeled in Maya
    • UVed in Headus UV Layout
    • Textured in Substance Painter and Photoshop
  • Level building
    • In Unity
  • Level design
  • AI environment pathing

oVRide is a VR "speedrunning" game, where players get from point a to point b as fast as possible. However, instead of running, the player swings throughout our city environment using grappling tethers and wrist mounted repulsers. Inspired by certain web slinging super heroes and iron clad billionaires, we wanted to push the boundaries of just how fast and creative a user could move in VR without subjecting them to any of the negatives associated with VR.

The title was made in Unity, and went over several revisions before coming to what you see in that level screenshot.

I was an artist and designer for the team, but collaborated with everyone on what the final say was for this project. Feel free to ask anything about it, and make sure to follow the link to our team affiliated Twitter below featuring the game. Sadly the game had to be pulled from market because of confidential circumstances. Our official team website domain also finally went down, so all that is left is our Twitter.

Senor Rojo Games went from a student project, to a full blown company, and I'm very proud to have been a part of it.


Nautical Surge (Mobile Prototype)

This was one of my many prototypes sitting in my back catalog of projects. "Nautical Surge" is an Android mobile based arcade boat racing game with scratch built raytracing based "suspension" physics system, scratch built assets with LODs, and even driver and vehicle animations.
The only thing I didn't create from scratch or heavily modify was the awesome sky box and toon shader.
I really hope I can finish this project one day. The only base functions I had to really put together would be the water shader, and the opponent AI. The water shader for me had to "feel" just right. I wanted to capture the nostalgia of Wave Race 64 or Hydrothunder.


SAFE (University Project DEMO)

What did I do that you see in this trailer?

  • Level design
  • Level building
    • In Unity
  • Some level asset creation
    • Maya
    • UVed in Headus UV Layout
    • Textured in Photoshop

Made in 10 weeks with 12 other 2nd year Drexel students. I was an assistant producer, but I ended up doing a lot of art and design work. It was a very grueling 10 weeks of managing 11 other people. I learned the good and bad of game development. I had to learn to give my grievances with another team member's work, while trying not to make it seem personal. This was a huge learning experience, and I think we have something great to show for it. Made in Unity. I'll fully admit this trailer can use some editing work, but I figured it was better than a screenshot. This is where my game development journey began!

Mac and PC downloads


[IN DEVELOPMENT HELL] Criminal Mischief

What did I do for this game? Everything including:

  • Vehicles created by me in Maya, UVed in Headus UV Layout, and textured in Photoshop
  • Vehicle physics created and implemented in Unity 2018
  • Vehicle power-ups designed and currently being implemented
  • Levels brainstormed, with a demo level currently under construction

As of late 2017 I am currently developing a late 90s retro inspired RC racing game on my free time. This all started out as making an asset pack to sell on various outlets, but after putting so much work into this RC car pack, and seeing all of the encouragement from social media, I decided to create a full game.

The current plan is to finish a level and get a working vertical slice to show to a larger producer or distribution outlet. At the end of the day, this is a learning experience and passion project, rather than a get rich scheme. I want to make something nostalgic, but more importantly, fun as hell.

This last section is for hiring managers looking for my specific design work.

Bellow is a 6 page GDD brainstorm for a car combat game that was to be co-created with a few New Bloods devs. My text is the orange text. This document was very fast and loose, as most GDDs are never set in stone. It was a very rough outline of the direction we wanted to go. Most of my GDDs are templates I get from online, as they help me cover every base of the game. Here is...

[ON-HOLD] Project Cult Status:

What did I do for this?

  • Created assets for test builds
  • Brainstormed and recorded design documentation
  • Collaborated with like-minded awesome individuals at New Blood

As stated, I am the orange text.

Cult Status GDD